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Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing 4

Wow! What a lot there is to learn from blogging. I love the fact that blogging can be used for many different genres. I have read educational blogs, student blogs, and even personal blogs that are so enlightening for there intended use!

I like blog reading! I have them on my phone and I can easily keep up with blogs in a few short minutes. If it is a long blog, I can always come back to it. I like the fact that the latest blog pops up first. It makes it very easy for me to tell if I have read that post or not. I find this very handy when keeping up with my friend who is battling breast cancer. She updates her blog when she feels like it. It is a very easy way for her to communicate with people with out the hundreds of phone calls or emails.

Oh the blog writing. I feel like I'm kind of under a microscope. I have not really figured it all out yet. I know that when I push the little magic button, it suddenly appears in my blog. I am looking forward to getting a blog set up for my class this coming school year. I think that writing in the blog will be an easy way to communicate with parents.

I think that anytime you receive comments on your writing, you have empowered someone to think about what you are saying/blogging. Now days, blogging is a great way to have a two-way conversation with someone. No, it's not the same as a face-to-face conversation, but it allows us to have conversations with people all over the world. That's what makes blogging so cool!!

My only hope is that I sound literate as I blog!! =)
If I were a teen I would already have this blog done and posted because I would have an entirely different vocabulary. Half my words would be cut down to two or three letters that mean an entire phrase. There is definitely a place for that. LOL! GR8!!

One of my favorite blogs that I read about was the duck. A school had a duck build a nest on the playground. Before they knew it, she had her own blog and several grade levels began writing about the duck and what happened to her. How fun would it be to have a class mascot that we blogged about every day.

I was thinking that my class could blog about our FOSS kit insects that we do. We could keep our parents posted about what changes we are seeing. Since we can't take them home so to speak, it is a great way to take learning in the classroom home. What a great way to have a conversation with your parents about what you are leaning in the classroom. You can show them!! What better way to learn than to teach while doing so!!

Overall, I think blogging will be a great new tool to use in my classroom. With each "Thing" that I do, I think of more ideas of how I can utilize it. I can't wait for school to start so that I can start blogging!!

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