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Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing 5

Google Reader...just when I think I have blogging down, I get something else to learn. I love this idea! I did have trouble getting one of the blogs to load into Google Reader, but I think that I found lots of others to keep me busy reading!!
I found a site that is all about literacy and reading. There are many different blog topics. In 2nd grade we teach about fairytales and folktales. I found a blog about the history or specific stories. I thought these might be helpful when it comes time to teach these again next school year.
In general, this site will allow you to search authors, book titles, subject matter, anything you can imagine! Try it out! I think that you will like it!! =)


  1. Sounds like a great blog to use when teaching your fairytales and stuff. And, blogs on your phone...I am impressed! I will have to work up to that, but I guess you can read your blogs while sitting at the baseball games.

  2. I am addicted to my iphone. I cannot live without it anymore. I can do anything from it. It does work great when I'm sitting at the baseball field at practice. I can get a ton of stuff done on it. Crazy, I know!
