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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing 8

This is one of those blogs that I am going to open myself up for the DC. I had never even heard of Creative Commons (CC) before. I can honestly say that I have also never seen in on a website that I visited. That too could be that I didn't notice it or pay attention to it because I didn't know what it was.
I am not sure how it will impact the way my students learn. Most of the work that my students do with technology we design ourselves using the programs available to us in our computer lab. If they do come across the symbol, I would definitely explain the differences from the Big C to CC. I can see where this tool would be useful to older students who would create projects, papers, etc. from home to know the importance of CC and its proper uses.
I just finished my first year of teaching and it was all about survival. I did not use any clips or images that were not provided for me by the district. I am hoping that will change this next year after this class.
I have not personally shared information on the web. I have used things from other teachers from Promethean Planet and places that are there as resources.

This is another place where I am going to have to make an assumption. I am pretty certain that all the resources that I use in my classroom are owned by the district. I have purchased a few additional resource books that are reproducibles. This is definitely a place where I need to do further investigating on my part.
I think with all things you will always find a loop hole. I would think that you would be safe in using in the classroom any thing that was CC. I think the negative would be if I came up with some really great, original idea that all of a sudden was turned into the next million dollar corporation. I wouldn't be very happy if I only had CC instead of the Big C.


  1. I know that you are glad you "survived" the first year of teaching and didn't have to worry about copyright rules too much. It will be fun to use the Web 2.0 tools next year for me, too. I look forward to keeping in touch so we can share stories!

  2. Thank you for reading my blog. I feel so behind and I keep thinking everyone is so far ahead of me. Glad to know someone is reading. I will send you my class blog when I get it all set up.
