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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing 12 (or 14)

I love Wordle! I used it really fast and created a list of all the teachers at my school. I thought this would be fun to put all of my student's names on at the beginning of the school year. I also thought this would be a fun application for spelling words. I could type in all the new words of the week and place in the Word Work Center. The students could then use paper and create their own Wordle on paper. I can also see using this for vocabulary or even word wall words. So much fun...or even a list of all our favorite things, books, etc.
I also liked the jigzone. I thought it would be fun to have the student of the weeks picture on the blog and the kids could figure out who it was. This would also be a fun spot to go to in the computer lab when they are finished working on their lab assignment.
These are all very fun tools. There were very few that I could not think of an application to use them for in the classroom for my grade level.


  1. What great ideas! I love the way you have transfered the learning to direct uses in the classroom. The kids are going to love it!!!

  2. Thank You! I cannot wait to get started in the fall.
