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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing 20

Google comes up with the most amazing tools! I really liked the Google Doc. application. I created a newsletter and a spread sheet to use in my classroom. I think many times we put the same information in too many places. Google Doc is great way to minimize that.
Three ideas:
1. Our grade level does one newsletter and then each add what we would like it to say. Who ever is in charge of the newsletter could type it on Google Docs and then the other three team mates could add any additional information. This would eliminate the back and forth between the classrooms and copies that we do now.
2. Acceleration groups in the spreadsheet - we have kids that come in and go out or move and we add another student to their slot. This would be a great tool for the entire team to collaborate with the acceleration teacher.
3. I think that this is a great way to collaborate with student teams. They can work online from home on projects and then set meeting times to work together. This would also allow the teacher to monitor progress of the group.
Overall I think that Google Doc. is a great way to share information. It is just like anything that you do on the internet, you would want to be sensitive about what you are putting out there.


  1. Great ideas for Google Doc! You are almost finished with 23 Things!!! Awesome!!!

  2. Thanks B! You beat me! I was wondering if I would ever get finished!! I will share my new blog with you when I get it up and going.
