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Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing 18

YouTube is a time sucker!! No really it is! I should have listened to the warnings and set a timer. I wasted a whole afternoon just watching crazy videos on YouTube. I have several favorites to share with you.
I am always looking for ways to make my guided reading better. So, that is where I began my search. Much to my surprise, the first video to come up was Candice Bookman from Lawrence Elementary. It was a great video about how she has her guided reading groups set up and how she manages those.
The next search was for kids reading. I found a great link of students reading a story by Gilad Shalit.
He wrote this story
when he was a young boy. It tells of a fish and a shark who at first are enemies. The shark wants to eat the young fish but the fish talked him into being his friend. Their parents say that they can't be friends because they are enemies. They finally talk to their parents and they allow them to be friends. The unusual thing about this story is that it is about peace and getting along with others. Several years after publishing this book, he was kidnapped outside of Gaza and has remained a prisoner. This would be an excellent book to study during our author study in reading or in social studies.
For my how to video, I looked up how to use a Kindle 2. I found all kinds of videos that were reviews and informational about the Kindle.
I think that YouTube has endless amount of educational uses. I will think more about searching YouTube when I am tea
ching a specific content area. I think that it will be very helpful with science and social studies.

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